Brittany, June 2022

Under the sun and pushed by a south-west wind, 4 swimmers of the association realized on Sunday, June 26th, a seatrekking excursion along the Armorique point in Plougastel, in Finistère (29).
This outing at sea aimed to travel along sections of coastline and the tops of beaches not easily accessible to the general public in order to first collect the accumulated waste, and then in a second time to categorize them once on land as part of the European research program Preventing Plastic Pollution (PPP) which the association Watch The Sea is a partner since 2019.
- Number of participants : 4
- Distance covered at sea : 2,3 km
- Distance covered on land : 3,5 km
- Estimated origin of the waste : 50% maritime, 50% terrestrial
- No waste observed at sea (neither floating nor on the bottom, but poor visibility)
- Total weight of waste : 3,5 kg
- Volume collected : 50 Liters
For information, this coastline had already been surveyed during the summer of 2021 and had allowed to collect 6 kg of waste on an equivalent portion.
Thank you all for your participation!
